Adding a New State and Payroll Tax

Open the State Taxes window:

  1. From the navigator go to Company | Maintain company.
  2. Select the State Taxes node


  1. From the navigator, select Payroll | Payroll framework.
  2. Double click the States node.

To add a new state:

  1. Click on the Add New button.
    The State Taxes screen will open showing the Details tab at the front.
  2. Complete the following information as required:
Field Name Explanation
State Enter the name of the state which is going to be defined in this record.
Country From the drop-down box select the country
Payroll Tax Definitions
Taxation Reg. No. Enter your taxation registration number (supplied by your state revenue office). This number identifies your company to the relevant revenue office and should be used in all communication with them.
Month Threshold This is the monthly threshold for your company's wages bill. If your bill is below this amount, you may be exempt from payroll tax. The threshold may also be referred to as an exemption level, and differs from state to state.
Tax % Enter the applicable payroll tax percentage rate for this state.
Account details If this state provides the facility to pay payroll tax by EFT, enter the account details here.
BankStateBranch Enter the BSB number which uniquely identifies. the bank and branch of your company bank account from which the payroll tax will be paid. If you have entered a valid BSB, the bank and branch will display, otherwise click unknown to create a BSB.
Account Name Enter the name of the account from which the payroll tax is to paid.
Account No Enter the account number from which the payroll tax is to be paid.
LodgeRef The lodgement reference will appear on the destination account to identify your payment.
  1. If you will be using the state Payroll Tax function, select the Items tab.
  2. Select each item which is liable for state payroll tax.
  3. If you use the General Ledger function and State is part of your general ledger structure, select the General Ledger tab.
  4. Enter a prefix for this state.
  5. Click OK when ready.